Automatic Synthesis and Dispensing Hot Cell
The Flexa-Flexall hot cell is a turnkey system composed of a GMP grade B shielded isolator for synthesis and a GMP grade A shielded isolator for dispensing, in one single hot cell.
It is designed for the automatic and manual preparation of PET & Nuclear Medicine radiopharmaceuticals injectable doses.
Equipped with:
n.1 total laminar air flow area in the upper part
n.1 synthesis module area in the lower part
n.1 air-tight and vented pre-chamber (double door drawer)
vial extraction system (double door tunnel)
integrated dose calibrator area
optional vial crimping station Mod. CRP
Manual dispensing can be carried out with the FLEXA-FLEXALL standard configuration.
Automatic dispensing can be carried out with the CRP automatic dispenser for vials.
The Flexa-Flexall hot cells are equipped with inflatable seals to provide air tightness Class II (ISO 10648:2).